Lookalike Agency
New Lookalikes
Lookalikes, Tributes and Impersonator´s

We are one of the world's leading lookalike agencies.

Specialising in the world's best doubles, lookalikes, tributes and Impersonators.

Discover our talented doubles.

Book the perfect actor`s for your events, advertising campaigns or projects.

James Bond Doubles and his Villains

Here you will find a large selection of James Bond doubles, James Bond lookalikes and James Bond lookalikes, as well as a selection of other characters from the James Bond films.


from singers

Experience the music of your favourite artists with a live performance!
From all genres of music.


Doubles from film and television

Here you will find a variety of lookalikes, doubles and doppelgangers of well-known actors from various films and series.

Tribute artists and cover shows

Here you will find a selection of our tribute performers, tribute bands and cover shows.

Royal doppelgangers

Discover our royal doppelgangers, royal doubles and royal lookalikes from some of the world's royal houses.

Doppelgangers from the world of politics

Politics lookalikes, politics doubles, and politics doppelgangers of current & historical politicians

Doppelgangers of international and national celebrities

Here you will find a variety of celebrity lookalikes, celebrity doubles and celebrity doppelgangers of well-known celebrities.

Doppelgangers of athletes

Here you will find athlete doubles, athlete lookalikes and athlete lookalikes of well-known athletes from various sports.

Our Lookalikes & Tributes

Doubles from film and television

Here you will find a variety of lookalikes, doubles and lookalikes of well-known actors from various films and series.

Sporting Lookalikes

Here you will find doubles, lookalikes and lookalikes of well-known athletes from various sports.


Experience the music of your favourite artists with a live performance!

Tributes and cover shows

Here you will find a selection of our tribute bands and cover shows.

Royal doubles

Discover our royal lookalikes, doubles and lookalikes from some of the world's royal houses.

James Bond Doubles and his Villains

Here you will find a large selection of doubles, lookalikes and lookalikes of James Bond.

Lookalikes of international and national Celebrities

Here you will find a variety of lookalikes, doubles, and lookalikes of well-known celebrities.

Lookalikes from politician

Lookalikes, doubles and doppelgangers of current and historical politicians

Find an artist

Find the right lookalikes, tribute or Artist for you in our categories. Of course you can also request several artists!



Send us by mail or phone all the details of your request, we will provide you with an individual and non-binding offer.


Commission an artist

If you commission our Lookalikes according to our offer, we will organize everything else for you, including communication with the actors.

Customers who trust us

With several decades of expertise in working with lookalikes, we are your ideal go-to company. More about us.

You have questions about our artists? You have not found your desired performer? Contact us & we will be happy to help you!

You can use our lookalikes & tributes for numerous purposes. These include, for example, commercials, trade fairs, celebrations or private events.

Lookalikes & Tributes by New-Lookalikes

We do not want to call ourselves the number 1 in Germany or market leader in Europe or world leader, this is not decided or determined by us, but by the customers and artists themselves.


We work to 100% always in the direct contact by the Doubles Lookalikes and tribute shows together. You book your desired artist with us easily and without unnecessary additional costs and we organise for you the performance of the actors and actresses.


Dive into our world of doubles, doubles and tributes!

See and experience our artists from the categories here:

  • James Bond lookalikes and James Bond characters
  • Politician Lookalikes
  • Actor Lookalikes
  • Hollywood Lookalikes
  • Television Lookalikes
  • Sporting Lookalikes
  • Celebrity lookalike or VIP lookalike
  • Hire Royals Lookalikes
  • Music Lookalikes
  • Pop Star Lookalikes
  • Country Lookalikes and Singers
  • Tribute Shows and Coverbands


Our aim is to provide you with the best possible experience and exceed your expectations by providing you with a wide range of high quality artists.

Let the Pictures and Media Files of our lookalikes and tributes inspire for your next event or project.


Send us your request

Are you interested in the use of lookalikes or tributes? Then contact us & we will create a suitable offer for you.

Why are there Lookalikes in the first place?

Lookalikes already existed thousands of years ago. The pharaohs in Egypt already protected themselves from assassinations and other unpleasant things with Lookalikes. Politicians, especially dictators, liked to let Lookalikes take the lead in dangerous missions (Saddam Hussein is said to have had seven Lookalikes!) Actors let Lookalikes or stuntmen step in during breakneck scenes.


All this sounds not so pleasant at first. Lookalikes and tributes live dangerously, but not always. There are also pleasant sides. When an artist has the ability to imitate a famous and popular star as a doppelganger or Lookalike, things start to get fun. On top of that, there's usually a good fee for the lookalikes.

Take Charlie Chaplin, for example. No sooner had Charlie Chaplin become famous through his first films than there were already the first doubles and lookalikes, hundreds of whom toured the United States in the 1930s, sometimes even appearing as the original Charlie Chaplin.

The most copied singer of all times is Elvis Presley. According to the latest projections, there are about 25,000 Elvis Doubles (lookalikes) worldwide, roughly estimated, there are probably at least 50,000 if you add the amateurs!

The fascination behind Doubles & Tributes

What is it about doubles that fascinates so many people?

What psychology underlies this phenomenon?

Is it the doppelganger in each of us, is it the desire to slip into a different role? To be famous for once? To be loved and admired by everyone for once? Or is it the wish to be able to be very close to one's star for once, even if it is only a double or lookalike?

People like to visit Madame Tussaud's wax museum to see prominent characters, even though they know full well that they are replicas (doubles). With us, on the other hand, you will find real people who represent the originals as doubles or doppelgangers and are not mute wax figures.

Let's just take it as it is and be happy that the entertainment value of some events is increased by doubles, lookalikes or tributes and that people are sometimes amazed and applaud as if it was the real thing. 

If you don't find the artist of your choice on our pages, it doesn't mean that you don't exist.

Just contact us and we will be happy to help you find even the most unusual musicians, politicians, actors, celebrities, athletes and tribute acts the right doubles or lookalikes.

After all, that's what we're here for!

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